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It’s Just a Matter of Time Capsules
It was lovely to read about the St. Peter's time capsule in the December 2021 edition of the church magazine.
I can update you to report that the time capsule is now safely inserted in a cavity in the wall of the hall.
The moment of it's release from it's previous location in St. Peter’s Church was captured on camera, and the video footage is now published on our school you tube channel along with some other videos from the archives, showing the demolition of the church and building of the new school extension.

The original time capsule cover stone is now placed at the entrance to school, currently surrounded by decorated poppy stones, a fitting tribute to what the stone represents in history.
All the archive videos can be found on our school website, by following this link.
Why not click on the link and take a trip down memory lane?
Lynn Williams
Head Teacher, St Peter’s CE Primary School

It is with some sadness, alongside heartfelt wishes for a fond farewell and a joyous future, that I announce the retirement of Joan Hall, as the diocesan representative on the Board of Governors at St. Peter’s school, with effect from 31st July 2021.
Joan has served in this role for well over 15 years, and has seen the school transform from a one form entry Victorian building into a modern two from entry school with space for 14 classes. She has supported the school when making numerous teaching appointments and was pivotal is bringing the co-headship structure to St. Peter’s in 2006. She has worked with passion and enthusiasm to ensure the school is challenged and supported in equal measure, always putting the wellbeing and academic development of the pupils at the forefront of her thinking.
She brought her experience as a teacher and long serving guide leader to the role and always placed the children front and centre when difficult decisions were required.
The past year has been a very challenging one for school, with many obstacles to face, yet Joan has always been a calming influence, bringing her wisdom and experience to the role.
I would like to thank Joan for her support, encouragement, and guidance over the years. It has been and absolute pleasure working alongside her as a valued member of our Governing Board and I wish her a long and happy retirement.
L.M. Williams
Head teacher
St. Peter’s CE Primary, Farnworth
On behalf of the Governing Board
St Peter’s Governor Retires
There can be no greater Christian duty than to serve your community, offering your time, efforts, thoughts and prayers to the benefit of others; serving with love and dedication.
It is with this thought in mind that we wish to publically express our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated service paid by Carol Hunt to the community of St. Peter's over the past many years, in her capacity as Foundation Governor of St. Peter's School.
Carol began her association with St. Peter's as a Parent Governor when her daughter Adele was a pupil here during the 1990’s. Over time she has served on many committees and most recently was chair of the Finance and Premises Committee, bringing her vast experience of working in the bank to our Governing Board. Her challenging questions have always ensured the school is steered in the right direction and finances have been kept in good order.
Carol has supported the school through many turbulent times, changes of head teacher, changes of staff and most recently the closure of St. Peter's Church and the subsequent significant building programme seeing the school transform in to a modern two form entry primary school. Pupil numbers have fluctuated over time and Carol has supported the school to its current position where it is educating approximately 400 pupils from the Farnworth community.
Carol’s retirement from The Governing Board of St. Peter's, marks an end to an era of dedication and service in an official capacity, however, we feel sure her heart will remain with us for many more years to come.
She has earned the right to now spend some quality time with her family, both here in Farnworth and further afield in Wales.
We wish Carol a very happy retirement from her official Governor responsibilities, but look forward to continuing to see her at school for our functions and events. She will always be made very welcome.
The Governing Board of St. Peter's, Farnworth
February 2018
Lynn Williams
Head teacher
St. Peter's, Farnworth

St John’s CE Primary School
New Reception Welcome Service
At St John’s we always welcome all of our new Reception children into the family of St John’s Church in September with a special worship just for them held in the church.
Father Stephen personally welcomes all of the children and their families and the children get the opportunity to show their parents some of the wonderful things they have learned so far including their Class Name and Motto.

This year our Reception Class are ‘Starfish Class’ and their motto is ‘Swimming to success!’
They all receive a wooden cross with their name on as a memento of the occasion to take with them through their spiritual journey at St John’s. It’s great to see just how many of the children still have their crosses with them when they leave us in Year 6!
Suzanne Howard
Head teacher

It really is a case of new year, new beginnings for one local primary school.
St John’s CE Primary, Kearsley, opened its gates this month to unveil a new look school .
Children arrived at school resplendent in their new uniform to find an improved playground and new signs bearing the school's brand new logo.
This followed a consultation with staff, pupils and parents about giving the school a makeover to reflect the future was bright for children.
This was followed by a competition to design a new school emblem incorporating what the church school represented.
The new motto reads “Striving for excellence. Trusting in God”.
Headteacher Suzanne Howard said: “Pupils, parents and staff feel this motto accurately reflects the school.
“The new emblem represents how the school remains a welcoming and safe place in which to learn.
She added: “Staff and governors valued the wisdom of parents in the consultation on the changes to the uniform, and the children look so bright and fresh in their new uniforms.
“From the consultation process the school’s mission statement was amended to provide a clear message. “
Pupils said not only did they like their new look, saying they felt very smart, they were impressed with improvements at the school including the new library and reading corners.
Staff also gave their seal of approval to the changes. They said the new uniform instilled a sense of pride and introducing different ties for prefects “boosts pride and importance for their role and lifts the profile of the children”.
St John’s CE is now an Ofsted rated good, with inspectors reporting that pupils say they “love lessons” which are “enjoyable but educational at the same time”.
The school was also described as “warm and caring

Looking Back
By the late Phyllis Bennett
Please click on this link to read the article written by Phyllis, shortly before she passed away.
Farnworth Care Home welcomes St John’s Year Five Pupils - Tuesday 14th March 2017

On Tuesday 14th March, 11 year 5 pupils went to Farnworth Care Home, the purpose of our visit was to read and chat to the residents.
When we arrived we saw a lovely little white dog who also lived at the care home. The care assistants showed us around and put us in groups of two, ready to go and read to the elderly. We soon realised that some of the adults didn’t want to be read to they just wanted to have a little chat and some company. It was enjoyable being able to read and chat to people in the local community, who might not otherwise see many children. Personally, I really enjoyed visiting the care home and finding out about the residents there. We talked about lots of different topics such as school, birthdays, football and what they used to like doing when they were younger. Hopefully we can build our relationship with Farnworth Care Home and maybe invite them into school.
By Lyra Goodwin

A Photograph from Bolton News
21st December 2017
St John’s Infant Nativity Play

St. John's School gets HEARTSMART
Please click on THIS LINK to read about St. John's HEARTSMART imitative

A Photograph from the Bolton News
13th July 2018
St John’s Annual Sports Days were held on 21st and 22nd June 2018

Sack races and running with a spoon balanced on an egg could only mean it was St John’s CE , Kearsley, annual sports day.
This year the sun shone as children took part in a variety of sports.
Teachers and parents not to miss out on the fun of the traditional day also joined in with their own races.
Allison McNab from the school said: “ The sun was shining on this glorious day and all the children really enjoyed taking part— as well as the parents who enjoyed their annual ‘parents race’ and the teachers who enjoyed the ‘teachers race’.”

And the "walk out" by the chairs which were found taking industrial action in the school hall even caused a stir on social media among parents.
To celebrate World Book Day, St John's CE School in Kearsley, created a fun activity based on the popular children's book The Day the Crayons Quit — but in this case it was the chairs which decided to strike because they were fed up with being rocked on, tipped over, and frankly, according to the letter the chairs had penned wanted a little respect.
So children had to come up with fun innovative ways to carry on their learning without the chairs.
Headteacher Suzanne Howard said: "The children came into school on Monday to find all the chairs were in the hall and gone on strike.
"We are holding a Book Week and launched it with the activity as suggested by World Book Day.
"Children came in to see their chairs had disappeared into the hall and even the staff were surprised."
A letter "written" by one of the chairs stated they had served children for many years and which they were happy to do, but were not happy when children rocked on them and did not replace them properly at the end of the lesson.
So for one lesson, children had to do without their chairs, some sitting on the floor others standing — and children who wanted their chairs back so wrote persuasive letters to the striking furniture asking for them to come back to work.
Mrs Howard said: "This ‘strike’ gave the children a purposeful writing experience around persuasive writing. The children were so excited when they saw the chairs with placards and tape around them and the excitement was palpable. The quality of the engagement and writing from the children was amazing and once they had written their pieces some classes actually read them out to the chairs to entice them back into the classroom!"
And it worked because the chairs were back in for the rest of the school day.
Today children are coming dressed in different colours representing crayons with parents joining them later to enjoy reading with them.
Some parents took to social media to voice their surprise about the missing chairs.
Mrs Howard said: "We didn’t tell the parents about the ‘chairs going on strike’ as it would have lost its impact in creating an awe and wonder experience for our children.
"We decided to do this after launching the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.
"So to alleviate parental concerns a text was sent out to explain that it was part of a launch for World Book Week as promoted on their own website.
"A handful of concerned parents came to see me about the ‘missing chairs’ and once I had explained what it was about – they were fine and laughed about it. As a school we have no issue with any parents raising concerns or queries and we urge them to do this before taking to social media."
This article appeared in The Bolton News 7thMarch 2019
As you know, our much loved TA Sandra Martin died in May 2020. Sandra was at All Saints for over 20 years and was passionate about the school. I’m quite sure that she had us printed through her like a stick of rock! She was such a huge part of the school that we wanted to commemorate her properly. We had this pergoda built in her name last Summer, with donations kindly made by staff, parents and Governors. I can just picture her sitting out there, watching the children play. We wanted to hold a celebration service to inaugurate it but wanted Sandra’s family there. Covid restrictions meant that hasn’t been possible until this Summer.
On the 19th July, Graham, Rachel and Hannah joined representatives from school, the Diocese and Bolton council for a service of memorial. School children, staff, parents and Governors all attended. We sang for Sandra – you’ll know how much she loved the choir – and had some readings. She sent the sunshine for us and it was a lovely way to remember her. Sandra will always be in our hearts here.

Church Magazine December 2021
A Lifetime of Service

The whole of All Saints came together in November to say thank you to Aidan Meagan. Aidan has been a Governor at All Saints for over 25 years. He decided to volunteer when he retired and ended up being part of the fabric of the school. He has retired as a Governor now he is in his 90s!
Aidan has always been a great supporter of the school. He served as Chair of Governors for a while and has taken on various other roles. He has always been passionate about our children getting the best education possible. He has always attended our events, and wore his tuxedo to our leavers prom every year.
The covid case rates prevented us from giving Aidan the send off we’d have liked. However, every child in school made something for his leaving card, and we presented him with this and a bottle of Irish whiskey for a proud Irishman.
Aidan will remain a friend of the school but we wanted to take this opportunity to thank him for his selfless and loyal service to All Saints. He is truly a Gentle Man.
Katie Hague
With Thanks!
To be a school Governor is to be part of the largest volunteer organisation in the country. As schools, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to those of you who give, or have given, your time and energy to support us. Amongst a number of fantastic governors, Anthony ‘Tony’ Slack, who has been the Chair of Governors at All Saints school for over 10 years, has been a true diamond. He retired in the Summer due to family commitments, and we wanted to thank him.
Anthony joined the school during a time of turbulence and brought a great level of expertise to the governing board. In his time at the school, we went from an ‘Inadequate’ ofsted rating to being acknowledged and graded as a Good school. Our Church school inspection agrees. Much of the change and improvement was down to Anthony’s tireless support.

Anthony has supported the school whilst rightly challenging when needed. On a personal level, his support of me on my journey from Deputy Head to Head teacher was invaluable. He gave selflessly of his time and knowledge. Our children all knew who he was due to his regular visits to school, and he always made time to thank the staff for their hard work and dedication. He was also so proud of our successes, and he leaves a legacy that will be hard to fill.
Katie Hague

A PRIMARY school in Bolton which "went above and beyond" to support families during lockdown has been honoured with an 'Oscar' of the teaching world.
All Saints CE School in Farnworth has received a Pearson National Teaching Silver Award in The Lockdown Hero Award for Learner and Community Support for its outstanding commitment to changing the lives of the children they teach.
The award-winners were announced on today's Thank a Teacher Day.
The school was one of just 102 Pearson Award winners and has been shortlisted to win one of 15 Gold Awards later in the year, in a programme which will be broadcast on the BBC. Judges noted how staff stayed in touch with pupils and families when schools were closed due to Covid lockdowns. This was through phone calls to check in, dropping off food and other supplies.
Staff also set up and ran the Bolton School Community Scrub Hub – sewing vital scrubs for care home staff. The school describes itself as 'one big family'.
Headteacher Katie Hague said: "We are just so incredibly proud, the team at the school give over and above to the school community anyway — but it was even more evident over the past year. They pulled together, visited families just for chat and did it all with smiles on their faces."
She added: "I think the community has realised that we are all one family and that we are there for them, whether school is open or closed. We will do all we can for them and to protect them from the impact of what is going on in the wider world."
The multi academy trust responsible for The Olive School, Bolton and Eden Boys’ School, also received the award in the same category. Across the trust, Star Family Hubs were established in 13 towns and cities nationwide – including Bolton - to support vulnerable children and key workers’ children. Bolton News, 24 June 2021

All Saints CE Primary School Prom
Wednesday 17th July 2019

Part of our mission at All Saints CE school is to ensure that our children experience life in all it’s fullness. This includes nurturing talents other than the traditionally academic ones.
This year, we put on our 3rdever whole school production. We chose Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat as it’s in both the Bible and the Qu’ran, which is perfect for our school community.
Auditions were held in the Autumn term, and the rest of the school were performing as a massed choir. The children have also been involved in making the props, painting the backdrops, operating the sound and computer systems and working backstage.
We discovered a lot of talents! The children were amazing. I am so proud of both them and our dedicated staff, who are integral to doing anything like this. They have given up a lot of their lunchtimes and evenings to get it all ready. Interestingly, the children who took on the main parts have also seen a big improvement in their test scores over the last half term. The power of music!!
Katie Hague
November 2018

Beach visit 2016
Prom Night 2016

All Saints Primary School were contacted this Spring by a lady called Margaret who had ended up with the war memorials from the old All Saints church. She had been doing a local history research project and no longer needed them. Bolton museum didn’t want them either and so suggested that she contacted us at the school. We were delighted and said we’d be honoured to have them. They are now displayed in our entrance hall and Margaret also gave us a file of information on the people listed. Having this important piece of our local history, and another link to our church, makes us feel very blessed. If any of the congregation recognise any of the names and would like to come to the school and have a look at the memorials and/ or the information file then you’d be very welcome. Just contact Katie Hague at the school on 01204 333083.
Katie Hague, Headteacher
August 2017
All Saints Easter Service
On Wednesday 28thMarch, the whole school went to church for our Easter service. This was the first time that we have held this service in church, and we were delighted that some of our families joined us. Year 2 led the service and very clearly acted out the events of Holy Week. The narrators and actors were clear, and played their parts with gusto! The whole school joined in with some of our favourite Easter hymns, including ‘Lord of the Dance’ and our newly learned worship song ‘This is the day.’

We all really enjoyed celebrating this special time of the year in church and thank Vicar Carol and the church community for allowing us to come.
Katie Hague
Head teacher
Hibbah Salamut (Year 2) recalls her Easter visit to St John’s
On Wednesday in Holy Week Year 2 from All Saints School went to St. John’s Church to perform our Easter assembly. I was one of the disciples. At the start, Jesus and some disciples walked down the aisle. Everyone sang we have a King who rides a donkey. Two guards put Jesus on a cross to die. But he came back to life again. We all cheered when Mary said He’s alive! Jesus rose up to heaven. Year 2 were really nervous when we spoke in Church but we enjoyed doing the special assembly.
The following prayer was read by Jessica and Hibbah
God made you and God made me,
He made the world for us to see.
God loves you and long ago,
He sent his Son to tell us so.
Jesus showed us many things,
To love and share and dance and sing.
To learn and pray, to help and care,
He promised he'd always be there.
He died but then came back to life,
Let's celebrate for he's alive!