Junior Church
Click here to download the Sunday school report for 2020 School Report 2020

We really like going to Sunday school. We are told stories about Jesus and then we can do word searches and colour in pictures about the story. We especially like going to the front afterwards to show everyone in church the things we have done. We wish that Sunday school was every week!
Zachary & Frankie Wiggans and Dexter Howarth
St John’s Sunday School
I joined Sunday School when I was 2 and a half years old when I came to live in Farnworth.
Our Sunday School teacher reads a story to us about the Gospel reading for that Sunday and we draw a picture about the story. Sometimes we make crafts like praying hands and hearts which we write prayers on. I like colouring in pictures and making things. At the end of the service we take our pictures out to the front of church and hold them up so everyone can see them. I like it when I go to the front and the vicar asks us about our pictures.
I wish we had Sunday School every Sunday instead of once a month.
Year 1 pupil St John’s School
(Church Magazine May 2019)
The Bishop of Manchester led the Team Service at St John's on Sunday 23
November 2014.
During the service he invited Junior Church to show the
congregation the work that they had been doing and to speak about it. In response David McGlynn, age 10, told Bishop David that their Sunday School teachers had told them the story of the Gospel (Matthew 25:35). The lesson had been about sharing things like food with others who may be hungry and caring for other people who may need help. He gave the example of being a friend to someone who is sick.
Learning about Matthew 14. 22-33 ‘Walking on Water’
On Sunday 10 August 2014, as part of her Authorised Lay Ministry training, Alison Mole was talking to the junior members of church about Matthew 14.22-33.
Abigail was one of those who took part in the presentation and she shares her thoughts.
On Sunday 10th August I attended church with my mum. I enjoy attending the family services at St John’s and taking Holy Communion.
Several children were asked to help Alison tell a story and we acted out the scenes at the front of Church.
The story was about Peter and the other disciples on a boat, one of them spotted a strange figure standing on the water. Everyone thought it was a ghost but Peter yelled that it was Jesus; then they witnessed him walking on water. Peter tried walking on the water but couldn’t as he didn’t concentrate on Jesus and suddenly began to sink. Jesus helped him then said ‘Peter, you have little faith in me.’
I think this story tells us that we should all concentrate and have faith in Jesus.
Abigail Thomson Age 11 Year 7 St James’s CE High School
Learning about Matthew 11:28-30 'Help with a Heavy Load'
At Sunday School on the 13th July 2014, the children were learning about Matthew 11:28-30 'Help with a Heavy Load', and talking about the burdens that everyone has and what we can do to deal with them.
As part of the lesson, we created the banner shown in the picture, entitled F.R.O.G. which stands for Fully Rely on God.
Each child was given a picture of a frog and asked to decorate it as colourfully as they wanted and these were then stuck onto the banner and the children decorated around these with drawings of tadpoles. to make a very colourful banner.
Pat Coward
Sunday School Teacher
Sunday school children learning about John
Click on the pictures below to see a larger image
On Sunday the 3rd May 2015, the Sunday School did a lesson based on John
15:1-8 - The True Vine.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
The children had a short talk on the verse and then they were given a paper bunch of grapes and a leaf. They coloured in the grapes and put their name on the leaf.
These were then stuck onto a collage to form a grape vine. This is now on display in the church.
Elaine Walker
Authorised Lay Minister/Sunday School Teacher
These pictures were taken on Sunday 6th November 2016during the weekly Sunday School.
At St John's, we are very proud of our Sunday School, which had grown in size rapidly. We have gone from having around 8 children each week to regularly getting between 20 and 25 children whose ages range from 3 to 12yrs of age.
Due to this fabulous increase, we are always looking at new ways to ensure every child gets an enjoyable experience.
On this particular Sunday, we split the children into two groups with a Sunday School teacher in each group. The younger group also had a couple of mums to help.
We are always looking for volunteers to help out with the children and would welcome enquiries from anyone interested.
Elaine Walker
Sunday School Teacher