Team Rector

Stephen Nolan 01204 451836 Email Father Stephen

Associate Priest

Rev'd Phillip Castle Tel:  01204 571439 Email Phillip

Website Editor

Steve Mann 07780 614148 Email Steve

Parish Wardens

Stephanie Buckley: 07966 803239

Judith Birchall 01204 706499

Deputy Wardens

Michelle Winter 07786 921209

Paul Tongue 07749465962

PCC Secretary
Dorothy McGlynn: 01204 573793  Email Dorothy

Mrs Sandra Croston. 07740 306703 

Gift Aid Secretary
Tony Hemming: 362293

Men's Group
Revd. Phillip Castle: 571439

Parish Surgery Clerk
Alison Bradbury 706499

Child Protection Officer
Shaun Croston: 07757 424176

Vulnerable Adult Co-ordinator

Shaun Croston 07757 424176

Sunday School Teachers
Nancy Taylor:  572339

Jackie Powell: 01204 577435

Judith Birchall: 01204 450197

Denise Entwistle 01204 795985

Michelle Winter 07786 921209

Uniformed Organisations:

Can only apply by parent adding details to Girlguiding UK GO

Brownie Leader
Tuesdays 7.00pm-8.30pm (Term time only)
Alison Mole: 07919 407893

Jackie Powell: 07762 050824

Susan Stevens 07725831792

Guide Leader
Wednesdays 7.30pm-9.00pm
Dot Grimes: 409629

Church School Contacts

St. John's: 01204 333101
St Peter's: 01204 333090
All Saints: 01204 333083

Alphabetical list

All Saints School 01204 333083

Birchall, Judith 01204 450197

Bradbury, Alison 01204 706499

Buckley, Stephanie   07966 803239

Castle, Rev'd Phillip  Tel:  01204 571439 Email Phillip

Croston, Sandra 07740 306703 

Entwistle, Denise 01204 795985

Grimes, Dot 07875606471

Hemming, Tony 01204 362293

Mann, Steven 07780 614148

McGlynn, Dorothy  01204 573793 Email Dorothy

Mole, Alison 07919 407893

Nolan Stephen  01204 451836     Email Stephen

Powell, Jackie 01204 577435

Stevens Susan 07725 831972

St. John's School 01204 333101

St Peter's School 01204 333090

Taylor, Nancy 01204 572339

Tongue, Paul 07749465962

Winter, Michelle 07786 921209

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