Rainbows Page
When do we meet?    Wednesdays
At what time?            6.15 - 7.30 pm
Where?                     St Johns School
Age range:                Girls aged 6 – 8 years

Rainbow Leader     


Click here to read our 2020-21 Rainbows report

What have we been up to?

3rd Farnworth St John's Rainbows

St Johns rainbows are a very happy and busy group. We meet on a Wednesday evening in school.

We are always full and have a waiting list which is a good sign.

The girls enjoy lots of craft activities and cooking. They like taking things home. They enjoy a very noisy game to a nice quite game (think we sometimes prefer the quieter one).

In September we started the long awaited badge book the girls are very excited they can now do activity badges at home as well as more challenging unit badges.

We went on our Christmas trip with the Brownies to see Beauty and the Beast on ice we had a great time,

As leaders myself and Heather have to keep up our training which involves first response, knew badge programme and county leaders’ day training. This has been a very challenging year getting our heads around the new programme. As a leader it takes up a lot more of my time!

Rainbows are a joy to lead and we have a close relationship with the brownies and guide group we are very lucky and St Johns to have such a flourishing guide movement.

Yours in guiding

Sandra (unit leader) Heather (assistant leader).

Rainbow and Brownie Christmas Party 2018

The Rainbows and Brownies held a joint Christmas Party on Tuesday 11th December 2018 in St John’s School,

when eight Brownies made their Brownie Promise and two Rainbows were welcomed into Brownies .

100th Anniversary of the Armistice - Sunday 11th November 2018


The Rainbows with their leader, Sandra Martin,

are preparing to take part in the ‘Colour Party’

at Church Parade on Remembrance Sunday.

The Rainbows helped to make St John’s Church entry ‘More Tea Vicar’

For the Kearsley Annual Scarecrow Festival

Held on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September 2018  

The Rainbow’s  ‘NOAH’S ARK’ display (Genesis chapter 6 verse 9 to chapter 9 verse 17)

at the Bible Stories Flower Festival held in church from 5th – 7thMay 2017

Rainbows, with their leader Sandra, are preparing to take part in the colour party at Family Service in October 2015.
The Rainbow's display at the 'Waterloo Open Weekend' at St John's Church on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October 2015.

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