When do we meet? Wednesdays
At what time? 7.30pm-9.00pm
Where? St Johns School
Age range: Girls aged 11 – 16 years
Guide Leader: Dot Grimes: 0787 5606471

What Have We Been Up To?
November 2021

Are you female aged 10 to 14 years and want to have FUN?
Have you left Brownies during Covid and want to carry on to Guides?
Why not join St Johns Guides on Wednesdays 7.30pm until 9.00pm
an exciting and varied programme
designed to inspire and challenge girls from 10-14
What you do in Guides is up to you, from taking part in lots of exciting
activities at regular meetings to special events and trips away.
You will choose from different badges and awards which will help you learn
new skills and try new challenges. You can do some of this on your own and
others you'll do in groups in your regular unit meetings.
In Guides you'll get out there and do something really different.
St Johns Guides are hoping to reopen in the New Year. If you would like to
join us Register on Girlguiding UK
Dot Grimes. Jennie Jones.

The girls have been practising face painting techniques in preparation for a stall, as well as making Christmas decorations to send home.
Some of the senior girls have been organising and planning trips as part of their ‘young leader qualification’. They have also been helping out the younger girls by taking on the role of the unit leader. The qualification enables girls to become confident young women with great leadership skills.
On Thursday an end of year trip to Bolton’s Winter Festival is taking place and Ice Skating is on the agenda.
This is the last meeting until the New Year in St Johns School.
Abigail Thomson (Rangers 3rd Farnworth) January 2020
Rangers 3rdFarnworth
School holidays will soon be upon us. And the Girl Guides and Rangers have been busy leading up to it with activities. During these few months we have been diving into mental health and Resilience. We first had a yoga relaxing session to calm our stresses with school and exams. Talks about different mental health illnesses and our own experiences with them (ourselves or with people that we know, and our understanding with it).

We did some Mandela stone painting which was especially for relaxing and certain colours resemble different emotions which we painted onto our stones.
The Rangers are going out for a meal to celebrate end of term, exams coming to an end and some of the younger girl guides will be joining the Rangers in the new school year.
Abigail Thomson (Rangers 3rd Farnworth) August 2019
Girl Guides visit York
I have been a member of the 1stFARNWORTH GIRLGUIDING Since I was 11, I have grown more confident throughout my time and have been on some brilliant activities too.
We meet once a week in St Johns School on a Wednesday.
Currently one of the Senior Section Girls is completing her Young Leader Award.
I thoroughly recommend other girls joining Girlguiding.
Since I became 14, we have been in the Seniors Section and recently our Adult Guide Leaders have changed our group to become Rangers, so we are all looking forward to wearing our new uniforms.
Last weekend the Senior Section or Rangers, as we soon will be, took a trip to the city of York. We set off from Bolton by train and arrived at our accommodation by 1pm. We all helped out with chores and cooking. On Saturday afternoon we had high tea at the Hilton.
The whole experience was a great cultural one, as we went on a Ghost Bus Tour on one of the nights, looking at executions and murders around York.

We had a look around the shops including the famous Shambles. I took a great interest in the architecture of the houses and shops, as they are Tudor.
Of course, we stopped to have a look at York Minister, which is outstanding.
On our way back to Bolton we started to plan our next trip.
Abigail Thomson, Age 15
Senior Section 1stFarnworth Girlguiding
April 2019

On Saturday 3rd November I was honoured to be invited to Westminster Abbey to celebrate my 40 years as a Brownie Guider. I had a brilliant day. James accompanied me as my guest , thinking that it would be like when Auntie Betty got her MBE and that he would be meeting the Queen again. I told him there may be a bag check and he immediately replied, “OH NO! Do they not know what Guiders carry in their handbags ? The Service will be over before we get in!
Whilst queuing outside the Abbey I heard someone say they were from Clitheroe and turned round to see Hylda from Waddow Hall who I first met on my first Pack Holiday aged 6 1/2 years old. This was Norma’s Test Pack Holiday for her Licence, back in 1966. It made my day that Hylda was there as she was part of my very first memories of being a Brownie.
It was a very moving and emotional service, especially when a 16 year Venture Scout , a with Lymphoedema, told the congregation how Scouting had changed her life and that she had been accepted by everyone as a normal person and treated the same as everyone else for the first time in her life. It brought a tear to my eye.
I reflected on everyone who has encouraged and influenced me throughout my Guiding Life, so many wonderful people some of whom, alas, are no longer with us. I hope that the many girls who have been Brownies under my care during the past 40 years still remember the life skills and values we shared together.
Susan Stevens.
The 3rd Farnworth (St John’s) Guides Floral Display
At the Bible Stories Flower Festival held 5th -7th May 2017
The Guides sponsored and arranged ‘JONAH AND THE WHALE’
(Jonah verses 1 – 17)
What are these pictures all about? CLICK HERE to read all about them.
Our Guide Leader Dot has been busy taking photos of us at our events recently! Here's a few to show you...
Our Guides' History - Looking Back
St. John Guides were formed in 1927

I spent a pleasant afternoon meeting old friends at Bolton Girl Guide HQ, on Saturday 27th November 2021. It was so nice to see people face to face after so long and have a chat. The Guide HQ has been renovated since I was last there and looked lovely. We all enjoyed a delicious Afternoon Tea and winning prizes on the Tombola and Raffle. The event raised £533.

I had the privilege of being the first County Commissioner of Lancashire Border thirty five years ago and had my photograph taken with Sharon Weaver the present County Commissioner and three former County Commissioners.
Betty Higham

On Sunday 14th November 2021 Susan Stevens took me to the Height Nook Activity Centre Open Day at Pickup Bank, Darwen. It was lovely to see all the building work and improvements that have recently been carried out. I was County Commissioner of Lancashire Border County 35 years ago and was involved with the procurement and purchase of the property.
Since that time many hundreds of girls have enjoyed guiding adventures and holidays there.

I enjoyed coffee, cake and a chat with old friends and the present County Commissioner Sharon Weaver insisted on a photograph with me.
Betty Higham

Hilary Brown, Janet Wood and Betty Higham were each presented with their Long Service Awards for 60 years in Guiding. The awards were presented at the Lancashire Border Girl Guiding Awards Evening, held on 16th Novembe›r 2017 at Bolton Headquarters, Shepherd Cross Street, Bolton.
Tribute to Betty Higham
Thursday 16th November was the annual awards night for Lancashire Border Girl Guides. The county incorporates areas in Bolton, Farnworth and Bury South. There were many awards presented that evening for varying achievements ranging from newly qualified guiders and long service awards. These ladies give their time to run Rainbow, Brownie and Guide units throughout the region. Their aim it to empower the girls to be their best and face the challenges of growing up today, not always an easy task.
One lady who has been a shining light and inspiration to so many girls is Betty Higham. She has dedicated her life to the Guiding family and was presented with her sixty years long service award. There are so many girls who have fond memories of their time in Guides with Betty and will have their own tales to tell.
I am privileged to have been one of Betty's guides albeit many years ago now but still it feels like yesterday. Finally I would like to say congratulations and a huge thank you to Betty aka Captain from me and everyone who's lives she has touched and enriched.
Ruth Warburton
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The Guides display at the 'Waterloo Open Weekend' at St John's Church on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October 2015.

The Guides Display at the church's 'Heritage Open Days', celebrating the 180th Birthday of St John's Church. It was held from Saturday 9th September to Tuesday 12th September 2006.